ABSTRACTS submission
CALL for oral and poster presentations is CLOSED
After successful submission of your abstract you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt of submitted abstract via e-mail. If it will not be delivered within a few minutes after submission of your abstract please contact us at RAFA2013@vscht.cz.
One registered participant can submit no more than two abstracts.
The text of the abstract should be limited to 3000 characters including spaces. Tables and pictures are not allowed.
Authors will be informed on acceptance of their abstracts by Scientific Committee either for poster or oral presentation via e–mail by September 20, 2013.
Abstracts of oral presentations and posters will be included in the “Book of Abstracts” only after receipt of the conference registration fee.
Any payment of the registration fee has to be received until September 30, 2013, otherwise contribution(s) will not be included into the Book of Abstract and conference programme.
Provided that you have registered until early deadline date July 31, 2013 and your payment is not received before this deadline, the late registration fee will be charged.
Poster award
Poster awards for the best poster presentations will be sponsored by:
Poster presentation instructions
The poster presentation is an effective way to communicate your research to colleagues. It has become the “presentation of choice” for many scientists who present at RAFA.
Guidelines for poster presentation
Oral presentation instructions
Oral presentations will require a Microsoft Office PowerPoint format and should be submitted at the symposium on a USB memory stick.
Guidelines for oral presentation
Journal Issue
We would like to invite you to contribute to a special issue on occasion of RAFA 2013. The special issue will appear in the journal
Food Control (http://www.journals.elsevier.com/food-control).
Manuscripts need to be either critical reviews or full research papers and present original, unpublished work, focusing on all areas of food analysis and process control presented at the conference. The Editors would like to point out that
all RAFA2013 related contributions will undergo the usual and very strict peer reviewing process by independent referees and are assessed by the same high standards of peer review with regard to novelty and significance. The work described should be innovative either in the approach or in the methods used. The significance of the results either for the science community or for the food industry must also be specified. Contributions that do not fulfill these requirements will not be considered for review and publication.
The manuscript submission deadline will be November 30, 2013. After this deadline manuscripts can only be considered for regular issues of the journal. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important that authors select
“SI: Advances in Food Analysis” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process at page
The journal's guidelines for authors can be found